Last updated on 23/09/2021

The following information is a general description of the terms and conditions for performances of Tu Meke Tui.

The Production Manager will be in contact to discuss the specific requirements to your venue once the program is finalised.

The Technical Rider is an integral part of this contract.  Any changes in or deviation from these technical requirements must be approved in writing by an authorized Company representative.

All equipment, materials, personnel, supplies and/or labour specified in this rider will be provided by the Presenter, at the Presenter’s own expense and cost.

The performance is suitable for a variety of venues.  

The following is a guideline for our basic requirements, specific details, plans etc to be supplied once program is finalised. This is subject to change.


 Janelle Bish, Producer:, 027 886 4901.


The Touring Party consists of:

1 x Technical/LX Manager

1 x Tour & Stage Manager

4 x Actors/performers

Total Touring Party of 6

Initial venue on tour may also require the producer and/or director to attend.


The theatre facilities shall be clear and in good order at the time of load-in and maintained in good order throughout the season.  The theatre, including all on-stage and back-stage areas must be secure and kept for the exclusive use of the Company throughout, including setup time(s), rehearsal(s), and performance(s). The theatre should be well-heated or air-conditioned, well-lit, cleaned, appropriately staffed (including box office and janitorial personnel), and with equipment and personnel therein contained as specifically described in this Technical Rider.


The dimensions of the performing space are as follows, and should be masked to these dimensions accordingly:  

Depth Minimum of 5.5 metres, including1400mm minimum upstage cross over and groundrow.

Width 10m minimum stage width with additional wing space on both sides of stage

Proscenium No limitations as long as the stage size meets the minimum standards.

The stage is ideally a sprung floor.  

The backstage area must allow for fast entrances and exits from the performing space.  A safe, illuminated crossover allowing performers to pass quickly from stage left to stage right is required. 

Also, access from the stage to the auditorium is required for the blocking.

The show may be available to perform in smaller spaces, but this must be negotiated with the company in advance.


The following masking is required from the theatre:

  • 3 sets of matching black legs
  • 3 full stage width black borders

The Presenter agrees to hang all masking as per the Company lineset schedule prior to the arrival of the Company production staff.  All masking is to be hung flat (no fullness/pleating), with tail battens.


The Company does not travel with any lighting equipment other than gobos. All lighting equipment and colour media is to be supplied by the theatre/presenter, and must be installed during a pre-hang, prior to the arrival of the Company technical staff.

The Company does not use a standard tour light plot.  The Company lighting designer can provide a light plot and lighting paperwork specific to the show a minimum of two weeks before the engagement.  The Company light plot can normally be adapted to the equipment available at each theatre, and therefore the light plot will take into account, but not necessarily be limited by, the equipment inventory at the place of performance.  The Presenter should be prepared to provide additional equipment if the available lighting inventory is inadequate.  A complete black-out is required in the theatre.  Please send an inventory of the theatre’s lighting equipment available along with the description of the theatre’s technical specifications with this returned rider.

As an indication of the lighting equipment required, the light specification is likely to include, but not be limited to:

  • 35 x 1200w Fresnels 
  • 10 x 12/28 Pacific
  • 18 x 23/50 Pacific 
  • 4 x 1200w 4 cell cyc units 
  • 15 x A size Gobo holders
  • 4 x Booms at 4m
  • 72 dimmers
  • Min 3 overhead bars (5 are preferred), 1 FOH bar
  • EOS or ETC lighting desk
  • Cabling as required
  • 1 x hazer 
  • Gel as per plan
  • Genie or talloscope for LX focus

This list is subject to change as and when the programme develops, and should be used merely as a guide. A finalised equipment list can be obtained from the Company several weeks prior to their arrival.

The Presenter agrees to hang, circuit, patch and colour, and test all lighting equipment as per the Company light plot prior to the arrival of the Company technical staff.  The Presenter agrees to provide a computer memory lighting board.  All lights must have safety chains, barndoors or shutters, and gel frames as appropriate.  House lights will need to be controlled by the Lighting Operator.


The Company does not travel with any sound equipment other than a laptop for playback vis Qlab.  All sound equipment is to be supplied by the Presenter.  The sound system must be of sufficient size and power to fill the audience area with clear, undistorted sound.  The system should be capable of reproducing music at a level of 95Db SPL at the centre of the auditorium, suitably arrayed and distributed to provide excellent sound at every seat.

The following sound equipment is also required:

  • High quality loudspeakers for the audience area
  • 2 high quality loudspeakers for the stage monitors/foldback.
  • Mixing desk and connections/interface to allow a laptop with 2 channel output to be connected and run Qlab.

A high quality headset communication system is required and is essential for communication between the Company stage manager and the theatre crew.  The company requires at least two intercom stations, places as follows:  Lighting Operator, backstage (ideally on both sides in the wings) A program monitor and paging system to the dressing rooms is highly desirable.  The sound reinforcement and intercom systems must be installed, cabled, tested and tuned prior to the arrival of the Company technical staff.


The Company will be touring the following set pieces:


• Print image is 8m wide, 500mm each end of black – total length 9m x 3m high on

Bannertex. Single sided, with tail pipe.

• 50mm top hem with eyelets every 200mm and black ties

• Cyc ties to flown batten with border downstage. As this is only 3m high, in fixed grid venues, a bar/pipe will need to be dead hung and an appropriate sized border set to the top of the cyc.

2. FLOOR –

• 4m width x 11m length – Grass Green Expo Carpet. 

• Black timber beading 20 x 10mm x 15m to fix to stage around DS and sides and to act

as a kick plate for actors

• Abstract breakup and dark green / matt black stencil leaf shadows on DS sides 

3. STAGE –

• Soft black masking along stage front and sides to soft leg

4. 2D PRINT – Cliff, Pine cones and Nikau palm, situated on wings.

• Printed on sheets of white 6mm Palight 1200 x 2400mm

5. 2D PRINT – 6 x freestanding (with timber base plate painted green – RW).


• #2 – GRASS

• #3 – ROCKS – (Freestanding with vinyl on base plate to slide). TBC glow worms LX.



• #6 – LEAF


• Black soft Legs required to extended masking in the 2 wings

• Hard black masking flats – 4 x 600mm Wide x 3000mm High – each side of CYC and to

support Pinecones and Cliff

• French braces to support (are these with the set currently)


STREAM – 12m fabric 

FLOWER – opening. Print, mount, mechanism, position etc?

GRASS – on the DS side of 6 x 2D Prints – made from carpet, EVA etc.

GROUND COVER – Carpet is littered with faux, fabric, paper and EVA leaves.

The Presenter agrees to provide any standard properties, staging or equipment requested by the Company when the program is confirmed (e.g. props table, chair etc). In the event that such equipment is not normally available on the theatre premises, the Presenter will inform the Company and an alternative can be negotiated.

The place of performance must be equipped with adequate means of hanging lighting equipment, masking, and backdrops.  


The Presenter agrees to provide and pay for a technical crew, which shall consist of experienced stage hands and technical personnel competent to complete the setup, operation, and removal of lighting and sound equipment, curtains and set within the stipulated time period. This assumes a prerig f lighting, sound and masking is already in place.

Load-in, set-up and load-out Crew

This varies from venue to venue and will be advised four weeks prior to the first performance date. As a guide, it is likely that at least 6 crew will be required for bump in/out. These may be as follows but can be subject to change:

Bump in Bump out 

3 x LX 4.5 hours 1 x LX 3 hours

1 x Sound 3 hours 2 x Stagehand 3 hours

2 x Stage hand(who can fly)4 hours

Performance Crew

1 Venue technician

NOTE: One or more of the Company’s technical personnel will be required to perform the operating functions for sound and lighting. 

Exact crew needs will be determined by the theatre technical director and Company Production Manager depending on the program(s) scheduled to be performed and local labour regulations.

Truck loaders or teamsters must be called at appropriate times and paid for by the Presenter as required by local regulations to bring the Company cargo in and out of the performance facility.

The technicians filling the performance crew positions must work the performance day load-in call.

The Presenter agrees to obtain and pay for any and all local work permits, union fees, taxes, and other local licenses that may be required for the Company to carry out the activities and performance(s) covered by this agreement.  The Company does not carry a yellow card.


No part, portion or segment of the performance shall be reproduced, by either audio or video recording without the express written permission of the Company.  The Company reserve the right to videotape the performance for archival purposes only as mutually agreed with the Presenter in advance.


The Company shall at all times retain sole artistic control over the performance(s) and other residency activities.


The Company agrees to credit the Presenter in the programme, should one be printed for the performance. Other credits are at the Company’s discretion, subject to the contract.


The Company maintains an extensive archive of its activities.  Copies of press releases, ads listings, brochures, flyers and other publicity material, as well as news stories and reviews, should be sent to the Company Archivist.


The Presenter agrees to provide the Company Production Manager with the following detailed and up-to-date technical data about the place of performance: a ground plan, a section plan, an inventory of lighting instruments and control equipment, an inventory of sound equipment, an inventory of audio-visual equipment, an inventory of soft goods, and a description of the dressing room facilities.  Plans should be to scale 1:50 and include all elevations of the performance area and show the relationship between the house seating and the performance area with regards to sight lines.  Any electronic plans should be sent as either a Vectorworks file (MCD – this format is preferred) or DXF/DWG file. 


Heated dressing room space is required. Dressing rooms should ideally be equipped with hot and cold running water, bright light tables, chairs, and mirrors.  Toilets and showers should be nearby.  Dressing rooms must be located in an area separate and apart from the public’s view and access.  All dressing rooms are to be cleaned prior to the Company’s arrival and to be maintained for each performance.

Company Management require the use of a Production Office, with internet/WiFi access.  Access to a photocopier may also be required.  Any installation costs must be agreed with the Company prior to installation. 


A wardrobe area convenient to the dressing rooms and equipped with two sturdy wardrobe racks and hangers is required.  If available at the place of performance, access to washing and drying machines, and iron and ironing board, a steamer and a sewing machine is requested.